How Long Does Bladder Botox Take to Kick In?

Botox starts working within a week, but the full effects of the medication can take up to two weeks.


is not permanent and typically lasts between six and eight months in the bladder, which is longer than other muscles where it can only last a few months. Most patients experience a reduction in involuntary loss of urine within two weeks of receiving Botox injections in the bladder, with full effects seen at 12 weeks. Bladder Botox usually lasts for six months, after which you can schedule an appointment to have the procedure repeated.

Fortunately, most people get relief from symptoms quickly, within a few days. Treatment results last about six months and you may receive additional injections. A possible side effect is urine retention, and it is not recommended for men with a risk or history of an enlarged prostate. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a natural toxin produced by certain bacteria.

When injected into selected muscles in small amounts, it can reduce side effects caused by excessive or unwanted muscle contraction. How is the procedure performed? Most of the time, Botox is injected as an outpatient procedure with local anesthesia. A local anesthetic gel will be applied to the urethra before a narrow telescope, called a cystoscopy, is used to examine the bladder. Botox will then be injected through a special needle into the areas around the bladder.

If you have any problems urinating after Botox injections in your bladder, you should contact your doctor right away. It's important to understand that urge incontinence and overactive bladder are not caused by physical activity or movement, such as coughing, exercising, or sneezing. Urinary incontinence can be caused by several factors, from a urinary tract infection to an overactive bladder, to pregnancy and childbirth. The good news is that urinary incontinence is a treatable medical condition, and one of the most effective treatments is Botox.

Most major health insurance providers, including Medicare and Medicaid, cover the cost of Botox medical treatments. The goal of bladder botox is to effectively treat persistent and disabling urinary incontinence of urgency, frequency and urgency. Botox is an option to treat urge incontinence or overactive bladder in people who have not been successful with other treatment options. With a long needle attached to a syringe, Botox is injected into the bladder muscle at several locations in the bladder. When looking for a doctor near you to give Botox injections into your bladder, make sure that the doctor is board certified and specializes in this area. Botox helps block nerve signals in the bladder that cause the release of urine and prevent involuntary loss of urine.

Because Botox injections into the bladder don't require general anesthesia, you can drive yourself back and forth to your treatment. It is usually a plan B treatment for those who have not responded well or have been intolerant to bladder relaxing medications. When considering Botox injections for urinary incontinence, ask your primary care provider for a referral or look for a healthcare professional with experience in these types of treatments. In the field of urology, it can be injected into the bladder muscle to improve symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB).