Can Botox Lift Your Eyebrows?

The appearance of pointed eyebrows can be a side effect of Botox treatment, but it can be treated easily. When Botox is applied to problem areas around the eyebrows, the muscles relax and the skin above them becomes smoother. This causes the muscles around the eyebrows to stretch upward, raising the eyebrows and making the patient's eyes appear more open. Patients are thrilled to discover that they are alert, full of life and rested.

But it's not just your eyebrows that can benefit from this treatment. Botox can be used everywhere to address many aesthetic problems. By injecting Botox into the forehead, you can slightly raise your eyebrows. For a Botox brow lift, a doctor will use a range of 20 to 30 units, which are placed in the central part (Glabella) between the eyes and along the eyebrow in a specific pattern to obtain an elevation of at least 5 mm.

The use of Botox for the purpose of raising the eyebrows is considered an unauthorized use of the injection, but it remains a common practice among many reputable injectors. With Botox around the brow area, the lifting effect can also change the way the eyebrow sits. If your brows are uneven or drooping and can't be done even by molding them alone, Browtox can help them sit symmetrically along the brow bone. For everyone who loves a good brow arch, a small amount of Botox above the arch can give you a boost and really define the shape of your brows.

The unnatural raising of the eyebrow arch is related to the botulinum administration technique. Specifically, neurotoxin placement can improve or minimize the brow arch. The main muscle of the forehead, the frontal muscle, is solely responsible for raising the eyebrows. This muscle is also responsible for horizontal folds in the forehead. If the middle part of the front part is “locked” or relaxed with Botox, the central eyebrows will shift down or prevent them from lifting.

When this occurs, if there is still movement of the sides (outer edges) of the frontal muscle, then movement of the forehead will allow for outer portions of the eyebrows to lift while central eyebrows are “stuck” down. Some muscles lower the eyebrows (the orbicularis muscles and corrugator muscles). Other muscles raise them (the frontal muscles). These muscle groups work against each other. Botox can't strengthen a muscle; it can only make it (temporarily) weaker. So when we do a Botox brow lift, we put Botox on those muscles that pull down on your eyebrows.

This allows those muscles that pull upwards to do their job unopposed. Unfortunately, there is no antidote to (counteract) Botox. Drooping eyebrows are very annoying for patients, but fortunately, effects of Botox are not permanent. The eyebrows can begin to lift even before full effect of Botox on forehead wears off. It may take 4-6 weeks, but eyebrow will surely return to its normal position.

Botox is reference treatment for raising eyebrows; a Botox brow lift can lift drooping eyebrows, eliminate forehead lines and reduce upper eyelid hooding. Only small amount of Botox is needed to lift eyebrows and will be injected directly into area which will be forehead and glabella. Undergoing this treatment will give you more youthful and relaxed appearance. Since 2002, Botox has been approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cosmetic use in treatment of crow's feet (on sides of eyes), forehead lines or 11 lines between eyebrows. If you're over 30 and you've started to see some changes in your eyebrows then a Botox treatment may be good solution for you. We've all seen change in last decade from super thin eyebrow (literally plucked to death) to big and bushy eyebrow. Whether you want to smooth out wrinkles on your forehead, create more space between your eyebrows and eyelids or just want to look more awake; a Botox brow lift could help you achieve desired look. Suppose patient has low set of drooping eyebrows; Botox will be injected into procerus muscles which are muscles between eyebrows first.

Botox treatments can be ideal solution for those who are bothered by drooping eyebrows or lines they see appear in middle. Now when you talk you frown, raise your eyebrows and generally move your face; muscles don't contract and lines don't form. Another important point to know is that even with treatment of glabellar muscles (frown muscles) there is risk of eyebrow drooping if injector is injected too shallow or too deep. Eyebrow lifting is common strategy for creating youthful appearance as eyebrow can shift down with age as muscles stretch and skin loses some elasticity according to Mount Sinai. Can Botox raise eyebrows? It is very common question when starting to look for solutions to problem of drooping eyebrows. Once a Botox treatment for brow lift is given you can expect to see results in just three to five days. What people don't realize is that minor cosmetic treatments such as Botox injections can cause significant changes in this area making your face look younger and brighter. Without this muscle, the eyebrows would remain in their neutral position while circular muscle around eye (Orbicularis Oculi) contracts and pulls arches down.